Artikelnummer: pr_0003

Dr. Rau's EM ferment

Health supplement with lactic acid, Vitamn C and OPC - 500 ml

The concentrate contributes with its content of vitamin C to

  • protection of cells from oxidative stress,
  • normal energy metabolism,
  • normal function of the immune system.

47,50 CHF

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The concentrate, containing 26 different herbs and other plants, is extracted through a unique fermentation production process. Besides the 31 different bacterial species (lactic acid bacterial cultures), Dr. Rau's EM ferment also contains vitamin C and OPC.


Recommended dose

Daily dose 1 x 20 ml or 2 x 10 ml undiluted or diluted with water, preferably half an hour before a meal.


Which herbs and other plants does Dr. Rau’s EM ferment contain?

EM ferment contains 26 different herbs and other plants which are broken down into their basic components by a fermentation process. These include: pineapple, angelica root, aniseed, basil, dill, fennel, rose hip, blueberry leaves, raspberry leaves, elderflower, ginger, cardamom, maca root, oreganum, peppermint, rosmary, rooibos, red clover, saffron, sage, black cumin seeds, liquorice, thyme, vanilla pods, cinnamon, lingzhi.


What else does Dr. Rau’s EM ferment contain?

EM ferment contains, in addition to the bacterial cultures and fermented mixture of herbs and other plants, water, dextrorotary lactic acid, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and a grape seed extract rich in OPC (OPC = oligomeric proanthocyanidin).



Water, lactic acid, mixture of herbs and other plants (pineapple (1%), angelica root, aniseed, basil, dill, fennel, rose hip (1%), blueberry leaves, raspberry leaves, elderflower, ginger, cardamom, maca root, oreganum, peppermint, rosmary, rooibos, red clover, saffron, sage, black cumin seeds, liquorice, thyme, vanilla pods, cinnamon, lingzhi), L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), lactic acid bacterial cultures**, grape seed extract rich in OPC.


Bacterial strains

**Bacillus subtilis, Bifidobacterium: bifidum, breve, longum, infantis, lactis, lactis 02; Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus: acidophilus, amylolyticus, amylovorus, bulgaricus, casei 01, casei 02, casei 03, crispatus, delbrückii, farraginis, gasseri, helveticus, johnsonii, paracasei, parafarraginis, plantarum, reuteri, rhamnosus, salivarius, zeae; Lactococcus: diacetylactis, lactis; Streptococcus thermophilus.

Quantity Price / Flasche
price advantage
from 1 46,30 CHF 47,50 CHF
from 2 44,83 CHF 46,00 CHF 1,46 CHF (3%) 1,50 CHF (3%)
from 4 43,47 CHF 44,60 CHF 2,83 CHF (6%) 2,90 CHF (6%)
from 8 41,62 CHF 42,70 CHF 4,68 CHF (10%) 4,80 CHF (10%)