Training course Professionals - West Palm Beach 2023

Course number: MOD3-2023-02

Course description

Training course for Professional

Join Prof. Dr med Thomas Rau in West Palm Beach, as we examine the powerful influence of the intestines in complex and difficult diseases.

We examine the powerful influence of the intestines in complex and difficult chronic diseases. Further, Dr. Rau will show how to address conditions like long-covid or chronic fatigue with biological medicine protocols. 

Restoring the condition and function of the gut mucosa is always a component of stimulating the recovery of the immune system and absorption of nutrients. The intestinal system contributes important hormones, immune system resources, autonomic nervous system influences, selective retention of nutrition, blockading of invasive substances and organisms, and the excretion of toxins. When our gut has deteriorated, everything else follows.


This is a central theme in the biological medicine approach to disease and health maintenance. We examine the biological medicine approach to restoring the gut – the 2nd Pillar of Dr. Rau’s biological medicine. Light the fire of intestinal recovery and you can activate regenerative capacities in the body, which is the content of a further course part, the 3rd Pillar of biological medicine.


Learn how recovery can be stimulated by techniques that activate cell activity and regulatory systems. Review testing methods that establish the patient picture, and the therapies used to stimulate restorative processes.





Dr. Rau is the Medical Director of the BioMed Center Sonnenberg in Schwellbrunn, which attracts clients worldwide. With his partner doctor, Alexandra Kotthaus, and Rolandas Janusas he offers treatment protocols for severe and most difficult disorders. Biological Medicine is an individualized holistic natural medicine approach to complex situations often regarded by conventional specialists as "undiagnosable". Dr. Rau's specialty is in helping doctors identify and work toward correcting the root causes of complex and difficult health pictures.




For accommodation please contact directly Hippocrates Institute. 

Contact Accommodation: 

Mrs. Iesha Beene


Direct Tel 561.471.5257 

Course dates overview



course number


5 / 15 

remaining seats



course start



9.00 AM - 12.00 PM

2.00 PM - 04.30 PM 


9.00 AM - 12.00 PM

1.30 PM - 03.00 PM 

*changes are reserved




33411 West Palm Beach, FL
1466 Hippocrates Way, United States of America


850,00 CHF

price per participant

detailed course data



• How do healthy mucosa and flora look like?

• Undetected conditions by the patient living with them. Learn what we test and how we test it.

• Isopathic, homeopathic, dietary, and orthomolecular tools we use to repair the gut.

• Therapeutic devices that help stimulate regenerative recovery.

• Case examples.

• Course script and coffee/tea provided

Course duration:

02/04/2023 to 02/05/2023


9.00 AM - 12.00 PM

2.00 PM - 04.30 PM 


9.00 AM - 12.00 PM

1.30 PM - 03.00 PM 

*changes are reserved




Location of course